Mastering reStructuredText: A Step-by-Step Guide to Formatting Docs within :param <name>
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Mastering reStructuredText: A Step-by-Step Guide to Formatting Docs within :param <name>

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Are you tired of wrestling with reStructuredText markup? Do you struggle to format your documents within the confines of :param <name>? Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to tame the beast that is reStructuredText. By the end of this article, you’ll be a master of formatting docs like a pro!

What is reStructuredText, Anyway?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of formatting within :param <name>, let’s take a brief moment to understand what reStructuredText is. reStructuredText is a lightweight markup language used to create readable and structured documents. It’s often used in documentation, blog posts, and even books. reStructuredText is simple, easy to read, and easy to write – but only if you know the secrets of the trade.

The Anatomy of :param <name>

The :param <name> syntax is used to define a parameter within a function or method. It’s a crucial aspect of documenting code, as it helps readers understand the purpose and behavior of each parameter. But how do we format these parameters to make them shine? Let’s take a closer look:

.. function:: my_function(x, y, z)
   :param x: The first parameter
   :param y: The second parameter
   :param z: The third parameter

In this example, we have a simple function named my_function with three parameters: x, y, and z. We use the :param syntax to define each parameter, followed by a brief description.

Basic Formatting within :param <name>

Now that we have our :param <name> in place, let’s explore some basic formatting options:

  • Bold text**: Use double asterisks (**) to surround your text, like so: `**This text will be bold**`
  • Italic text**: Use single asterisks (*) to surround your text, like so: `*This text will be italic*`
  • Code blocks**: Use triple backticks (““) to create a code block, like so:
    This is a code block
  • Links**: Use the `:ref:` syntax to create links, like so: `:ref:`my_link“

Advanced Formatting within :param <name>

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s move on to some advanced formatting techniques:

Definition Lists

Definition lists are a powerful way to organize complex information within your :param <name> descriptions. Here’s an example:

.. function:: my_function(x, y, z)
   :param x:
      * Definition 1
      * Definition 2
   :param y:
      * Definition 3
      * Definition 4
   :param z:
      * Definition 5
      * Definition 6

In this example, we use definition lists to organize our parameter descriptions. Each parameter has multiple definitions, which are indented beneath the parameter name.


Tables are a great way to display complex data within your :param <name> descriptions. Here’s an example:

.. function:: my_function(x, y, z)
   :param x:
      | Parameter  | Value  |
      | x          | 10     |
      | y          | 20     |
      | z          | 30     |

In this example, we use a table to display information about each parameter. The table has three columns: Parameter, Value, and a separator column to make the table easier to read.

Best Practices for Formatting within :param <name>

Now that we’ve explored the world of formatting within :param <name>, let’s summarize some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Be consistent**: Use a consistent formatting style throughout your document to make it easy to read and understand.
  2. Keep it simple**: Avoid using too many formats or complex structures within your :param <name> descriptions.
  3. Use whitespace wisely**: Use whitespace to separate your formats and make your document easier to read.
  4. Test your formats**: Test your formats in different rendering engines to ensure they look great everywhere.


Formatting within :param <name> is an art that requires patience, practice, and attention to detail. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating beautifully formatted documents that shine. Remember to keep it simple, be consistent, and test your formats – and you’ll be a reStructuredText master in no time!

So, the next time you’re faced with the challenge of formatting within :param <name>, don’t be afraid to get creative and push the limits of what’s possible. Happy formatting, and see you in the next article!

Keyword Description
:param <name> Defines a parameter within a function or method
**Bold text** Uses double asterisks (**) to surround bold text
*Italic text* Uses single asterisks (*) to surround italic text
““Code blocks““ Uses triple backticks (““) to create a code block
:ref: Creates a link to a reference
Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of formatting docstrings within `:param

What is the purpose of using :param

The `:param

How do I format the :param

To format the `:param `), and finally a brief description of the parameter. For example: `:param : The name of the user.`

Can I use multiple lines to describe a single parameter in reStructuredText markup?

Yes, you can use multiple lines to describe a single parameter by indenting the subsequent lines with four spaces. This allows you to provide a more detailed description of the parameter without cluttering the docstring. For example:
`:param :
The name of the user.
This can include first and last names.`

How do I specify the type of a parameter in reStructuredText markup?

You can specify the type of a parameter by adding a colon (`:`) followed by the type information after the parameter name. For example: `:param str: The name of the user.`

What are some best practices for writing parameter descriptions in reStructuredText markup?

When writing parameter descriptions, be concise, clear, and consistent. Use proper grammar and punctuation, and avoid redundant information. Also, try to use a consistent style throughout your documentation, and consider using examples or notes to provide additional context.