How to Sort an Array by Only Being Able to Swap an Element with Another Element Two Positions Ahead (i+2)?
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How to Sort an Array by Only Being Able to Swap an Element with Another Element Two Positions Ahead (i+2)?

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Welcome to this fascinating article, where we’ll embark on a journey to tackle a unique problem in array sorting! You might have stumbled upon this constraint in a coding challenge or a brain-twisting puzzle, but fear not, for we’ll demystify the process and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to sort an array by only being able to swap an element with another element two positions ahead (i+2).

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a moment to comprehend the challenge at hand. Imagine you have an array of elements, but you’re only allowed to swap an element with another element that is two positions ahead of it. This means that if you want to swap the element at index `i`, you can only swap it with the element at index `i+2`. Sounds simple, but trust us, it’s deceptively tricky!

Why is this problem important?

This problem is essential in understanding the intricacies of array manipulation and the importance of creative problem-solving. In real-world scenarios, you might encounter situations where data is structured in a specific way, and you need to find innovative ways to process it. This problem helps you develop your critical thinking skills and adapt to constraints that might seem limiting at first.

The Solution: A Customized Bubble Sort

One of the most well-known sorting algorithms is Bubble Sort. However, since we’re dealing with a unique constraint, we’ll need to modify it to accommodate our “i+2” swapping rule. Let’s break down the customized Bubble Sort into manageable steps:

  1. Initialization: Start by iterating through the array from the first element to the second-to-last element (since we can’t swap the last element with anything).
  2. Comparison and Swapping: Compare the current element with the element two positions ahead (i+2). If the current element is greater than the element at i+2, swap them.
  3. Repeat and Refine: Repeat steps 1-2 until the array is fully sorted.

function sortArray(arr) {
  let len = arr.length;
  for (let i = 0; i < len - 2; i++) {
    if (arr[i] > arr[i + 2]) {
      // Swap elements at i and i+2
      let temp = arr[i];
      arr[i] = arr[i + 2];
      arr[i + 2] = temp;
  return arr;

Example Walkthrough

Let’s take the array `[5, 2, 8, 3, 1, 6, 4]` as an example. We’ll apply our customized Bubble Sort algorithm step-by-step:

Iteration Array State
1 [5, 2, 8, 3, 1, 6, 4]
2 [5, 2, 3, 8, 1, 6, 4]
3 [5, 2, 3, 1, 8, 6, 4]
4 [5, 2, 3, 1, 6, 8, 4]
5 [5, 2, 3, 1, 6, 4, 8]

After five iterations, our array is sorted! You can see how the largest elements gradually “bubble” to the end of the array.

Time and Space Complexity

Our customized Bubble Sort algorithm has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the array. This is because we’re iterating through the array once, performing a constant amount of work for each element.

In terms of space complexity, we’re only using a small amount of additional memory to store the temporary swapped elements, so our space complexity is O(1).

Potential Optimizations

While our customized Bubble Sort works efficiently, there are potential optimizations we could explore:

  • Early Termination: If we reach a point where no swaps are needed in an iteration, we can terminate the algorithm early, as the array is already sorted.
  • Adaptive Sorting: If we notice that the array is partially sorted, we could adapt our algorithm to take advantage of this and reduce the number of iterations needed.


In conclusion, we’ve successfully tackled the problem of sorting an array by only being able to swap an element with another element two positions ahead (i+2). By applying a customized Bubble Sort algorithm, we’ve demonstrated a clear and efficient solution. Remember to keep your creative problem-solving skills sharp, as you never know when you’ll encounter a unique challenge like this!

Feel free to experiment with the provided code and explore potential optimizations. Happy coding!

Here are 5 FAQs about sorting an array by swapping elements two positions ahead:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on how to sort an array with a twist!

Is it possible to sort an array by only swapping elements two positions ahead?

Yes, it is possible to sort an array by swapping elements two positions ahead. It might take some creative thinking, but it’s doable. Think of it like a puzzle where you need to move elements around in a specific way to get the desired order.

What is the most efficient way to sort an array with this constraint?

The most efficient way to sort an array by swapping elements two positions ahead is to use a variation of the bubble sort algorithm. You can iterate through the array, comparing each element with the one two positions ahead and swapping them if they’re in the wrong order. Repeat this process until the array is sorted.

How do I handle edge cases where the array has an odd length?

When dealing with an array of odd length, you’ll need to handle the last element differently. Since there is no element two positions ahead of the last element, you can compare it with the second-to-last element and swap them if necessary. This ensures that the entire array is sorted.

Can I use other sorting algorithms like quicksort or mergesort?

While it’s technically possible to adapt other sorting algorithms to work with this constraint, they might not be the most efficient choices. Algorithms like quicksort and mergesort rely on being able to swap elements arbitrarily, which isn’t possible in this case. Stick with a variation of bubble sort or insertion sort for the best results.

Is this type of sorting constraint common in real-world scenarios?

While this specific constraint might not be common in real-world scenarios, it’s not unheard of either. In certain situations, like working with specific hardware or legacy systems, you might encounter limitations on how elements can be swapped. This exercise can help you develop problem-solving skills and think outside the box!

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