Error Code 137 while using Elasticache Redis with ECS Fargate: The Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide
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Error Code 137 while using Elasticache Redis with ECS Fargate: The Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide

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Are you tired of encountering the mysterious Error Code 137 while trying to connect your ECS Fargate container to Elasticache Redis? You’re not alone! This frustrating error has plagued many a developer, causing hours of troubleshooting and hair-pulling. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the depths of this error and emerge victorious on the other side.

What is Error Code 137, anyway?

Error Code 137 is a generic error message returned by Elasticache Redis when it encounters an unspecified error. Yeah, that’s not very helpful, is it? It’s like your Redis instance is saying, “Hey, something’s wrong, but I’m not telling you what.”

Symptoms of Error Code 137

When Error Code 137 strikes, you might experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Connection timeouts or failures when trying to connect to your Elasticache Redis instance from your ECS Fargate container.
  • Inconsistent or incomplete data being written to or retrieved from Redis.
  • Unexplained latency or performance issues in your application.

Troubleshooting Step 1: Check the Basics

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s make sure we’ve covered the basics:

  1. redis-cli works locally: Make sure you can connect to your Elasticache Redis instance using the redis-cli command on your local machine.
  2. Security Group settings: Verify that your ECS Fargate container’s Security Group has inbound rules allowing traffic on the Redis port (usually 6379).
  3. VPC and Subnet settings: Double-check that your ECS Fargate container is running in the same VPC and Subnet as your Elasticache Redis instance.

Troubleshooting Step 2: Dig Deeper

If the basics are covered, it’s time to dig deeper:

Verify Elasticache Redis Configuration

Check your Elasticache Redis instance’s configuration for any issues:

redis-cli INFO

This command will give you a wealth of information about your Redis instance. Look for any suspicious or error-related messages.

Check ECS Fargate Container Logs

Inspect your ECS Fargate container logs for any signs of trouble:

aws ecs describe-containers --cluster <cluster-name> --container-instance <instance-id> --query ' containers[0].logOptions'

Look for any error messages or warnings related to Redis connections.

Troubleshooting Step 3: Advanced Troubleshooting

If you’ve made it this far, it’s time to get really granular:

Use tcpdump to Capture Network Traffic

Use tcpdump to capture network traffic between your ECS Fargate container and Elasticache Redis instance:

tcpdump -i any -w redis_traffic.pcap port 6379

Analyze the captured traffic using a tool like Wireshark to identify any potential issues.

Enable Redis Debug Logging

Enable debug logging on your Elasticache Redis instance to get more detailed logs:

redis-cli CONFIG SET loglevel debug

Review the debug logs to identify any specific errors or issues.

Solution: Common Causes and Fixes

After thorough troubleshooting, you may have identified one of the following common causes of Error Code 137:

Cause Solution
Security Group misconfiguration Update Security Group rules to allow inbound traffic on Redis port.
VPC and Subnet mismatch Ensure ECS Fargate container and Elasticache Redis instance are in the same VPC and Subnet.
Redis configuration issue Review and update Redis configuration to fix any issues.
Network connectivity issues Investigate and resolve any network connectivity issues between ECS Fargate container and Elasticache Redis instance.


Error Code 137 might seem like a mystery, but with the right tools and troubleshooting steps, you can uncover the root cause and fix the issue. Remember to methodically eliminate potential causes, starting with the basics and moving on to advanced troubleshooting techniques. By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving Error Code 137 and enjoying a seamless Elasticache Redis experience with your ECS Fargate container.

Happy troubleshooting, and may the Redis be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Do you encounter the frustrating Error Code 137 while using Elasticache Redis with ECS Fargate? Worry not, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

What does Error Code 137 mean, and why do I see it with Elasticache Redis and ECS Fargate?

Error Code 137 typically indicates that the task execution has timed out or the container has exited with a non-zero status code. This can occur when using Elasticache Redis with ECS Fargate if the Redis connection is not properly configured or if there are networking issues between the Fargate container and the Elasticache Redis cluster.

How can I troubleshoot and identify the root cause of Error Code 137?

To troubleshoot, review the container logs for any error messages related to Redis connection timeouts or failed connections. Also, check the Elasticache Redis cluster’s security group and networking configuration to ensure it allows incoming traffic from the Fargate container. You can also try increasing the Redis connection timeout or adjusting the task execution timeout in ECS Fargate.

What are some common mistakes that can lead to Error Code 137 with Elasticache Redis and ECS Fargate?

Common mistakes include incorrect Redis endpoint configuration, insufficient permissions or roles for the Fargate task execution role, or incorrect security group configuration. Additionally, failing to specify the correct Redis port or protocol (e.g., Redis TLS) can also cause Error Code 137.

Can I increase the task execution timeout in ECS Fargate to avoid Error Code 137?

Yes, you can increase the task execution timeout in ECS Fargate to give the task more time to complete. However, be cautious not to set the timeout too high, as it may lead to resource waste and increased costs. A better approach is to identify and resolve the underlying issue causing the timeout rather than simply increasing the timeout.

Are there any best practices to follow when using Elasticache Redis with ECS Fargate to avoid Error Code 137?

Yes, some best practices include using a VPC-based Elasticache Redis cluster, configuring the correct security groups and networking, and specifying the correct Redis endpoint and port. Additionally, ensure the Fargate task execution role has the necessary permissions to access the Elasticache Redis cluster, and monitor task execution and Redis connection metrics to detect and resolve issues promptly.